These lost ceremonies of commitment to one’s soul path, the heroines’ or heroes’ journey, or devotional paths are available should someone choose to engage in such a powerful initiation.

These ceremonies are used with our 13 Moons Priestess Path as part of their initiatory process and are available to anyone wishing to deepen dedication to their soul journey of co-creation with the Divine. 

We honor taking bold steps to make changes in our lives by taking inspired, creative risks or devoting ourselves to a new path or practice. We step into our power in a new way so expect the unexpected if you choose this type of ceremony to honor yourself. I currently call this a “Commitment to Soul” ceremony much like a marriage to the self but this is soul work that goes far beyond the ego or self as we have previously known.

We typically think of commitment and marriage ceremonies as devoting ourselves to a partnership with another person. In this new paradigm, by committing to the soul, we commit to our true purpose. This may be scary if it takes us off the culturally acceptable path. 

Ceremonies can be created for other major life events and transitions. Rites of passage such as divorce, career changes, launching children, retirement, and deep inner work go uncelebrated and witnessed. These life-changing events can be supported and acknowledged as you embrace the next phase of your life.

Examples of other types of ceremonies requested in our community are gratitude ceremonies, shadow work ceremonies, and celebration of life/memorial services. Pricing may vary according to variables such as preparation time, travel time to venue, etc. A personalized ceremony can be a great add-on to doing ongoing spiritual work in the Soulful Seekers program.
